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Easy Judge app: National Institute of Technology unveils custom judging app for Game Changer Awards

Technology talent volunteering as judges at the 2024 Game Changer Awards will have a custom-built app from the National Institute of Technology to enable scoring of STEM projects presented by Western Australian students on game day.

The Game Changer Awards have been held annually since 2016. The awards foster science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills in Western Australian students as they use problem-solving skills to address real world problems. The Western Australian Information Technology and Telecommunications Alliance (WAITTA) is the non-profit organisation which runs Game Changers.

The app the Institute has built for Game Changers will streamline the judging process, providing a seamless, real-time platform for scoring and feedback on student STEM projects. Fully developed by the Institute in collaboration with WAITTA, judges will be able to review entries, input scores, and collaborate with fellow judges—all from a smart device. This move provides continuity and sustainability for the Game Changer Awards program.

“Western Australia is home to some of the nation’s greatest technology and innovation talent, as demonstrated by the National Institute of Technology’s work on developing our judging app,” Premila Jina, WAITTA Vice President and Game Changer Awards Chair, says.

“On behalf of WAITTA, thank you to the National Institute of Technology for stepping up for the next generation of STEM innovators. By giving your time and expertise free of charge to build this app, you are enabling WA children to connect and grow to lead Australia into the future.”

Hari Sethi, Founder and Executive Director of the Institute says the organisation is proud to have built such a critical piece of event infrastructure, as well as being a Platinum Sponsor of the Game Changer Awards program.

"As a leading technology and engineering training organisation, the National Institute of Technology (NIT) is dedicated to encouraging innovative learning and inspiring the next generation. By supporting the Game Changer Awards, NIT aims to ignite curiosity among young students, encouraging them to embrace STEM, with a special focus on technology, and empowering them to become the problem-solvers and innovators of tomorrow. NIT's initiative aligns with our commitment to shaping future leaders and driving positive change through education.
"We’re looking forward to game day - good luck to all students participating!”

Key features of the app include:

  • Real-time access to participant information
  • Direct input for scoring and feedback
  • A secure communication channel for judges
  • Streamlined tracking of judging progress across categories

Visit the Institute’s website for more information about the National Institute of Technology. Find out more about the Game Changer Awards.