We are happy to announce the newest member of the Alliance – Blockchain Perth.
Johnny Swanepoel, well-known advocate and facilitator of the Perth and Fremantle blockchain communities, has agreed to be Blockchain Perth’s nominee to the Alliance.
“The entry of Blockchain Perth and Blockchain Fremantle into the Alliance provides a voice for this mushrooming sector of our ecosphere. It is an area where we need to keep our existing blockchain developers from leaving, as well as attracting and developing the skills here in WA. Currently the figure reported is that for every blockchain developer there are 14 vacancies” said WAITTA Alliance Chair Gregg Boalch.
“This follows on from our two recent new members – VR/AR Association and Michael Malone – bringing the Alliance to 24 organisational members and 5 thought leaders, ensuring the Alliance can provide opportunities and support for all sectors of the WA digital ecosphere.”
Stay tuned for more Alliance news soon at www.waitta.com.au